No no, not this cat. Computer Adaptive Testing, hithertoforth (I think I made that word up) referred to as the CAT, the scary ass mother**cker used by the GRE. The CAT is this belligerent little creature that lives inside the computer crafting the GRE as you go along. When you answer correctly, the material gets harder, and when you answer incorrectly the test gets easier but your scores will drop. Here is an example of what one of the questions might look like:
Like a good little student, I arrive at Fresno State fifteen minutes early and proceed to whip out a 8.5x11 color map of the campus to make my way to the testing venue. Walking through the campus reminds me of our college days...has it really been that long?
I get sidetracked for a moment and start following the smell of food, but I pull out the map again, and it turns out the testing room is in the other direction. I manage to find my way there and proceed to scarf down this strawberry cream cheese muffin outside the room. Mid-chew, a girl walks towards me and asks if I'm taking the GRE. I swallow and say I am, I am just finishing this muffin. She gives me a weird look and walks inside.
When I get inside I proceed to make an even bigger fool of myself. The lady behind the desk lets me know that I can put my stuff in the lockers in the room down the hall to the right, on the right hand side. Ever since I was little I've had trouble discerning left and right...unfortunately, in my nearly 23 years of life I still haven't got it right. So I wandered towards the nearest room, look inside and see some cupboards and a microwave, peep my head back out to the desk, and throw a sheepish glance at the lady and she tells me "No, on your right." So I step out of the room and head towards the other room, and she says "No no, the other room" and I turn...possibly to the left, not sure which direction to go while trying to figure out which of my hands is the right one, and she finally says, "Okay let me just show you. " Turns out I had the correct room the first time but the lockers were on the right and I didn't see them. can't even play off this level of disaster...but anyway, I put down my stuff, enter the testing room, sit down, put in earplugs...and the next 3 1/2 hours are kind of a blur. The computer shows me the verbal and quantitative scores right after the test but I have to wait for the essay scores to be scored sometime in the near future. I am, for the most part, happy with my scores, and hope that barring disaster I never have to take this test again.
I get sidetracked for a moment and start following the smell of food, but I pull out the map again, and it turns out the testing room is in the other direction. I manage to find my way there and proceed to scarf down this strawberry cream cheese muffin outside the room. Mid-chew, a girl walks towards me and asks if I'm taking the GRE. I swallow and say I am, I am just finishing this muffin. She gives me a weird look and walks inside.
When I get inside I proceed to make an even bigger fool of myself. The lady behind the desk lets me know that I can put my stuff in the lockers in the room down the hall to the right, on the right hand side. Ever since I was little I've had trouble discerning left and right...unfortunately, in my nearly 23 years of life I still haven't got it right. So I wandered towards the nearest room, look inside and see some cupboards and a microwave, peep my head back out to the desk, and throw a sheepish glance at the lady and she tells me "No, on your right." So I step out of the room and head towards the other room, and she says "No no, the other room" and I turn...possibly to the left, not sure which direction to go while trying to figure out which of my hands is the right one, and she finally says, "Okay let me just show you. " Turns out I had the correct room the first time but the lockers were on the right and I didn't see them. can't even play off this level of disaster...but anyway, I put down my stuff, enter the testing room, sit down, put in earplugs...and the next 3 1/2 hours are kind of a blur. The computer shows me the verbal and quantitative scores right after the test but I have to wait for the essay scores to be scored sometime in the near future. I am, for the most part, happy with my scores, and hope that barring disaster I never have to take this test again.
My mom takes me to get dimsum after, which is wonderful because I am starving. I felt kind of bad for the other kids testing in there, cuz I was that annoying person that kept coughing and my stomach kept growling. And in that quiet room, it sounded like there was a monster in my abdomen. Doesn't matter. Bygones. I'm already starting to forget as these spare ribs hit my tastebuds. After eating until I reach food baby status, I crack open the fortune cookie.
I laugh and show it to my mom and she goes "That can be your next goal!"